Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 2: Challenges on the High Seas

10* 12.7' South
148* 25.7' West
July 21, 2010

Luckily our challenges on the high seas are self-inflicted. The boat is going along fine with only a jib sheet breaking thus far. Brad has even devised a "fix" so that it can't chafe through again.
We are currently experiencing a technological challenge in that the modem doesn't seem to be working with the SSB radio. That means we are not able to send or receive sailmail. How can I post this blog entry? Well, luckily we have redundancy in the form of a satellite phone!

cros 007 One of the “Dishes Fairies” caught in the act

But not the one who left the hatches open!

I had a seriously challenging evening in the galley. I was feeling sorry for myself because the floor below me was moving and my work area also happens to be the door to my refrigerator. When just as I was about to serve up our dinner, a wave came over the bow and through the hatch and port light above my head that I didn't realize the dishes fairy had left open (yes, there is a "dishes fairy" aboard CAPAZ - I make a bunch of dirty dishes and somehow they end up clean and put away!) pouring gallons of salt water on my head, into the mashed potatoes and dousing the stove. You could say that I lost it a little bit, but despite Neptune's efforts, dinner was not a loss.

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