Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sunset from the Cockpit of CAPAZ

It all started with a chance meeting of our neighbors and fellow live-aboard family on Thursday morning on the way up the ramp to school. They bounced the idea off of us for a dock party which we would not be able to attend and thought maybe Friday would be an alternative. The rain at dawn was not promising, however, the wind that followed blew out the clouds and by about 2:00 things were looking good. It turns out that Bryce is most excited about a dock party. He took the initiative to give our neighbor a call and see if there was a plan only to find out that the northerly was still blowing pretty steady at Shilshole. That left the plan to play it by ear. The first thing that Bryce did upon arrival back at the boat from work, was to turn on our instruments and check the wind speed which was down to 9 knots (still a little chilly for standing around the end of G-dock this time of year). Finally, around 6:00 Bryce went down to the end of G-dock and invited his friends to come and play and their parents to join us for a glass of wine. Angela called to confirm the 10-year old's invitation and all of the sudden we were having a cockpit party. The kids picked up another kid and her parents on the way back to the boat. Meanwhile, I realized that this was the first time I was getting to enjoy a nice sunny evening in the cockpit of CAPAZ. The way we are pulled into the slip, our dodger does a pretty good job of protecting us from the northerly. We pulled together some hotdogs and brauts, beer and wine, a few munchies as well as some sweet potato fries with Angela's chipolte dipping sauce and had ourselves a nice little evening. Thanks to Scott for running the BBQ and everyone for sticking it out through that chill that came on at sunset to celebrate enjoying our first sunset evening from the cockpit of CAPAZ. By the way: yes, there have been other sunsets, but weather and the crazy schedule we have been leading have both conspired to keep us from taking the few minutes required to enjoy this facet of being a live-aboard. I am hoping that this is the first of a long string of such moments!!!

1 comment:

Behan said...

it sounds LOVELY! I am pretty sure you will lose track of how many moments like this you get to experience... :-)