Saturday, October 3, 2009

One Month

Santa Barbara, CA
October 1, 2009

We have spent an entire calendar month aboard CAPAZ on our big adventure. Time is very elastic for us. Most of the time it is difficult to pin down what day of the week it is. We try to keep track so that we can follow the NOAA weather reports.
The boys have a project for marking time. Before we left Seattle, we visited a bead store. They picked out four different colors of beads to represent what we are doing each day of our adventure. Blue is for nights spent underway. Brown is for a night spent at a dock. Silver is for anchoring overnight and if we ever leave the boat for a little land adventure we have green beads.
Much to their delight, Bryce and Austin also found a big bowl full of charms that they raided. Each charm represents a first or something special: first fish caught, first pelican, a visit somewhere, etc. We found a charm at the San Simeon gift store to add and if there is a special occurrence for which do we not have a bead or charm, we can make one out of sculpey. This is what our beads look like for the first month!


Seven C's said...

Great idea! I like the idea of the bead "calender". Great job guys!

Behan said...

now where have I seen that before... ;-)