Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 2, 2009; 1500

Tuna ON!!!!

The mighty Tuna Hunters

45*10’ N
125* 02’ W
Off Cascade Head, OR


No real wind to speak of, but the side product of that is the Pacific is showing us that calm can be beautiful. This morning dawned clear and sunny. We all are feeling much more like we have our sea legs.
Brad has a theory about fishing: when you weave your way through a fishing fleet, it is probably a good time to drop your line over the side. During Austin’s first watch last night (again, parents are very proud), we only saw 2 other boats but pretty much the rest of the night, there was quite a bit of fishing boat traffic. So this morning, out came the hand lines and after about 5 minutes, no fish story, we had a nice tuna on which we will be taking advantage of the calmer seas to bbq this evening for dinner. After the boys got the first fish all cleaned up, they did pull in another one, but it c&r.
We also had a visit from a little land bird who appeared to be a bit off course. He rested on the boat and we fed him. At one point, he lit on the wheel which was being controlled by “Helmy”. He just hung there for a couple minutes, rolling with the wheel’s motion to Ryan’s side of the cockpit and then over to Brad’s side. Then, he was gone, back on his way.
Austin has be very busy making forts on the lounge all day out of all the pillows and blankets. Bryce has been teaching everyone how to play various games on the X-Box. Everyone has been catching naps and enjoying the recharge provided by the relative calm of the day.
Sunrise from the Pacific
Just resting.

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